Year of the Monkey... On Your Back

It seems like just yesterday you were sitting in your room listening to George Michael as he crooned away asking, “Do you love the monkey or do you love me?” The answer, of course, was that you loved George, always and forever.

Now, it’s 2016 and, according to the Chinese zodiac calendar, we are officially 1 day, 22 hours and 18 minutes into the Year of the Monkey. Sorry George, I guess the monkey has found its way onto our backs once again. The Year of the Monkey carries with it a feeling of auspicious restraint. As though it could be one killer year, but beware the hi-jinx of this wacky monkey.

It is a great year to try new things, put yourself out there and roll the dice on a new venture or, god forbid, romantic prospect. Communication, enthusiasm and fun are highlighted by our fair monkey this year, but take care not to let yourself get sucked in by the excitement and perceived positive energy around you. The monkey is an inherent trickster and if you aren’t careful to follow through and see your new ventures come to maximum fruition, the monkey could play its tricks on you.

Sounds like the monkey may be a presidential candidate. 

The monkey is creative, highly intelligent and witty. Seen as an opportune sign to be born under, China is expecting a baby boom in 2016 after many couples delayed having babies during the Year of the Sheep, fearing the misfortune associated with being part of the herd (I had to get a pun in there). People born during the Year of The Monkey are seen as lucky and, “have more desirable characteristics, such as craftiness, cleverness, and charm.” Well, isn’t that interesting.

As much as the monkey is a sign of good fortune, the monkey is often regarded as a symbol of mischief. Some feng shui experts are warning of financial pitfalls this year and jokes may tend to be taken just a bit too far. But this year’s monkey is a Fire Monkey, something that happens only every sixty years and, rather than adding to the spicy mix, the fire element’s presence serves as a grounding force for those born under its sign.

I think I had a few too many Fire Monkeys one lunar new year myself.

Famous people born under the sign of the monkey include Julius Caesar, Leonardo da Vinci, Federico Fellini, Elizabeth Taylor, Jerry Springer and Vanilla Ice. Clearly, there’s nothing these monkeys can’t do.

This should be a good year for anyone born in the Year of the Goat, Ox, Dragon or Snake, as these signs mesh well with the monkey. It will not be the best time for those with zodiac signs of the dog, rabbit, tiger or pig. But, I’m not sure you want your pig fraternizing with your monkey anyway.

So stay positive this year and focus on seeing things through with enthusiasm and intelligence. Otherwise, crawl back in your hole and we’ll call you in 2017, the Year of the Rooster. Sure to be filled with all the ridiculousness you can handle.